Voice Call enables you to communicate with your customers by calling their Mobile/Landline phone numbers anywhere in India with a pre-recorded voice message through a fully automated Online System. Voice Calls are completely automated process hence no operators or dialer is need to process the call, once the system is set with your pre-recorded message and contact list through our user friendly online control panel then our system will start calling the recipients and plays your pre-recorded voice message on voice call over your customer phones.
Bulk Voice call service is widely used for Event Notifications, Lead generation, Political Campaign Promotions, Voter Registration, Vote Reminders, Fund Raising, Service Reminders, Product Promotions, Announcements, Give reminders like EMI, Insurance premium, Event Notification , Marketing Products & Services, Meeting alerts, Wake Up Calls, Stock Alerts, Medicine Reminders etc
You can use KEPTBUG’s Voice Call Service for
- Giving notifications when required
- Marketing products & services
- Announcements
- Utilities (EB, Telephones, Gas, etc.)
- Bank Branches, Insurance Agents
- Travel Agents, Tour Operators
- Educational Institutions
- Shops and establishments
- Offices and Corporate Houses
- Raising funds for social cause
- Give reminders like EMI, Insurance premium
- Political campaign promotion, voter registration, vote reminders
- Promos on travel packages by travel agents & tour operators
- Confirm preset appointments, pre-scheduled meetings & conferences
- Can also get yes/ no responses
- Lead generations for mortgage brokers
- Event notifications for sample flats, parties, etc.
- Appointment reminder
- IT support staff for alert escalation process
- Record and voice broadcast in your own voice
- Outbound voice call IVR
- Call scheduling
- Hospitality
- Health Care
- Collection Agents (Telephone Bills, Installments Due etc.)
- Stock brokers and Bankers
- Resorts, Theme parks
- Supermarkets / Malls
- Media Business
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